Porto-Campanhã Station
It is a sector of the city located in the northeast, with a significant presence of topography. Situated at an intermediate level between the lower city […]Location: Porto, PortugalClient: I.P.Coimbra
The urban project around Coimbra station complements the implementation of the new high-speed lines in Portugal, which will be executed in the coming years. It is […]Location: Coimbra, PortugalClient: I.P.A Coruña’s Harbour Masterplan
The reconversion of large industrial areas in the old port of A Coruña is an opportunity to propose new uses for these spaces in contact with […]Location: A Coruña, SpainClient: Ayuntamiento de A CoruñaToulouse
Identité et partage du centre-ville. Réaménagement des espaces.Writer: Joan Busquets and Pieter-Jan VersluysEditorial: LoubatièresYear: 2014ISBN: 978-2-86266-739-5Port Viguerie
The development of Port Viguerie has turned it into a link between the historic ports on the right bank of the Garonne and the architectural heritage […]Location: Toulouse, FranceClient: Toulouse MétropoleEix Verd (Concurs)
Location: Barcelona, SpainClient: Ayuntamiento de BarcelonaMetz Gare Centre
The central station area and its surrounding neighbourhoods have undergone and continue to undergo a number of upheavals and transformations (in terms of town planning, new […]Location: Metz, FranceClient: EuroMétropole Metz, Ville de MetzSpoorzone Delft
The modernisation of the historic centre of Delft was largely linked to the construction of the railway alongside the canal and the traditional city wall. A […]Location: Delft, NetherlandsClient: Mairie de Delft - SpoorzoneAllées Jean Jaurès
Allées Jean Jaurès is a symbolic axis that connects the city centre to the Canal du Midi and Matabiau train station. The project changes the proportion […]Location: Toulouse, FranceClient: Toulouse MétropoleCiudad regular
Manual para diseñar mallas y tramas urbanasWriter: Joan Busquets, Dingliang Yang and Michael KellerEditorial: OROYear: 2020ISBN: 978-1-940743-95-0Place de la Daurade
The renovation of the Daurade Port brings back to life an emblematic place where the Toulouse way of life will regain its true meaning. In a […]Location: Toulouse, FranceClient: Toulouse MétropoleRambla Modolell
The 5 strategies for the transformation of Rambla Modolell are: -. CONNECT LONGITUDINALLY AND TRANSVERSELY: The aim is to improve the civic connections between the Rambla […]Location: Viladecans, SpainClient: Ajuntament de ViladecansBCN-CiVe
The survey for the urban transformation of the old wall city started since the mid-nineteenth century. Similarly, there is a detailed study for the new environment […]Location: Barcelona, SpainClient: Collaboration between Barcelona City Council and University of CataloniaParvis Matabiau
The Historical Square is a multi-purpose urban space, but above all, it represents the gateway to Toulouse and should be well taken care of. It serves […]Location: Toulouse, FranceClient: Europolia, Toulouse MétropoleLa Guinguette
La Guinguette restaurant-bar is in the historic centre of Toulouse, on the Garonne River, at the end of rue du Pont de Tounis. The project has […]Location: Toulouse, FranceClient: Toulouse MétropolePlace Aragó
Place Arago is located in the Marengo-Périole neighbourhood, a district that has always distinguished itself for its architecture. A fashionable district, appreciated for its proximity to […]Location: Toulouse, FranceClient: Europolia Spla Toulouse MétropoleLe Grau-du-Roi
Le Grau-du-Roi combines the characteristics of a small town with a fishing port, a significant seaside resort with 120,000 resident visitors during the summer period, and […]Location: Le Grau-du-Roi, FranceClient: Mairie de Le Grau-du-Roi, SPL 30Arquitectura moderna y ciudad
Una inmersión rápidaWriter: Joan BusquetsEditorial: Tibidabo EdicionesYear: 2022ISBN: 978-84-1347-834-0